Sunday, March 20, 2011

full of hope

today i got excited this many times from this many random things:

*i weighed myself to find i've lost 10 lbs (since i started a challenge with some other ladies 4 weeks ago)
*saw that something i had a coupon for & needed, was on sale
*realized that it was first day of spring! 
*gabe told me he was craving a big salad from souper salad-so after church, we got the GPS to find us one.
*my little man G, giggled really hard when i played with him while snuggling
*saw that it was my cousins birthday
*gavin told me his list of things to get at the grocery store-which consisted of marshmellows!
*read a message from my parents saying they'll be home in a week

my day still has about 6 or so hours till i'll be winding down for i'm full of hope that their will be a few more things to add to my list today!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

learning curve

these days, it seems i dont get the proper amount of sleep to really function at a level of "smartness".  i sometimes dont get out of Pj's or brush my teeth (which for some reason has not become a priority!-wierd) until my husband is about to get home from work.  i will take any quiet moment to sit and watch a tv show, instead of having a quiet moment with Jesus or sleep. there are times i've gone through an entire day wondering what i've really accomplished.  sometimes, really nothing.  one thing i know....i am not perfect! 

i'm not really fond of being vulerable.  it kinda scares me. but i know without it, you wont really grow as a person and its definitely needed in a relationship.  i've learned a great deal the past 12 months or so about grace, trust and most of all love-how much Jesus loves me & how to love others. 
i've decided to start blogging for an outlet for vulerability, sharing my learning, and for being creative. 

thanks for listening!