Friday, May 20, 2011


here's a few things we've been up to:

                   picnic with mommy, daddy & brother                        
                                 cousin Josiahs birthday party!

                                      playing dress up..fireman Gavin!

                        Zoo trip with his school...meeting the monkeys!

                                      Goats at the zoo!

                                       little play river at the zoo!

                      Mommy & precious happy baby!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

brown & blue eyes

I definitely have not arrived.  I have much more to learn about life, loving others, and myself.  some days i wonder if its impossible to overcome that silly little "thing" that bugs me.  but i know that where my life is right at this moment is not permanent.  it's just part of the journey.

this morning, i woke up to both boys laying next to me (garon had just had a bottle & gavin usually joins us in bed after he wakes up).  i am blessed.  its just that simple.  i dont think i remind myself of that nearly as often as i should.  we are all healthy, all our needs are met & some wants are too.   these two little boys are so precious.  my brown eyed guy is getting so smart and independant.  he tells us when he sees shapes and colors he knows.  and wants to write out his letters (though he doesnt really know how to write). he loves to try to do things on his own. and is learning to ask for help instead of saying "he can't do it".  my blue eyed guy is growing up fast and getting quite a personality.  he's such a happy little fella.  always smiling.  i mean always.  he's a "pincher & a grabber" as gavin says.  this one might be a football player...he loves to eat!  thanks gabe for giving me these special gifts!

found this scripture to meditate on today. 
2 Corinthians 4:18  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

documenting our world

so since october of 2009, i have drowned and lost 2 cameras, washed & dryed an ipod, and broken a laptop.  i had very little hope that my husband, who constantly joked about my lack of care for electronics, would allow me to get another camera.  usually i would have my camera sitting out on a table to have access to on a whim.  making sure that im able to catch cuteness whenever possible. 
for mothers day, daddy and gavin surprised me with a new camera.  yippee! 
here's what i've captured since sunday!

cant figure out how to twist it!