Thursday, July 7, 2011

fast forward

there are days i dont feel like me.  ya know?  i tend to make excuses these days for reasons why its so hard to clean the house, workout regularly, etc.  i sometimes wish, selfishly, that i could fast forward through the next few years to where i'll think i'll be able to read a book when i feel like it, go on a run without having to pay a babysitter or go window shopping just because.  i then realize a few moments after, that if things were to fast forward i would miss out on ALOT of fun memories and adventures with my boys and my hubby. 

memories like these:

I remind myself as often as possible that though it may be hard at times....this is sooo worth it! 

Friday, May 20, 2011


here's a few things we've been up to:

                   picnic with mommy, daddy & brother                        
                                 cousin Josiahs birthday party!

                                      playing dress up..fireman Gavin!

                        Zoo trip with his school...meeting the monkeys!

                                      Goats at the zoo!

                                       little play river at the zoo!

                      Mommy & precious happy baby!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

brown & blue eyes

I definitely have not arrived.  I have much more to learn about life, loving others, and myself.  some days i wonder if its impossible to overcome that silly little "thing" that bugs me.  but i know that where my life is right at this moment is not permanent.  it's just part of the journey.

this morning, i woke up to both boys laying next to me (garon had just had a bottle & gavin usually joins us in bed after he wakes up).  i am blessed.  its just that simple.  i dont think i remind myself of that nearly as often as i should.  we are all healthy, all our needs are met & some wants are too.   these two little boys are so precious.  my brown eyed guy is getting so smart and independant.  he tells us when he sees shapes and colors he knows.  and wants to write out his letters (though he doesnt really know how to write). he loves to try to do things on his own. and is learning to ask for help instead of saying "he can't do it".  my blue eyed guy is growing up fast and getting quite a personality.  he's such a happy little fella.  always smiling.  i mean always.  he's a "pincher & a grabber" as gavin says.  this one might be a football player...he loves to eat!  thanks gabe for giving me these special gifts!

found this scripture to meditate on today. 
2 Corinthians 4:18  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

documenting our world

so since october of 2009, i have drowned and lost 2 cameras, washed & dryed an ipod, and broken a laptop.  i had very little hope that my husband, who constantly joked about my lack of care for electronics, would allow me to get another camera.  usually i would have my camera sitting out on a table to have access to on a whim.  making sure that im able to catch cuteness whenever possible. 
for mothers day, daddy and gavin surprised me with a new camera.  yippee! 
here's what i've captured since sunday!

cant figure out how to twist it!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


if i could, i would have a home in probably 5 countries.  i dont think just visiting is enough.  =) other cultures interest me so much.  i love the differences.  theres something about seeing others live their lives in completely different ways than i.
the other day i was talking with my dad about the upcoming royal wedding and i then realized that when i was younger and had developed a bit of a crush on prince william...which then turned into an obsession with the royal family, as a teenager...this sparked my desire for travel & world experiences.  from that day on, my curiosity of the world had developed.  i still LOVE to pull out maps of any kind and study them.  geography is fascinating! 
so, i will continue to dream big about visiting as many of these special places i can in my lifetime.  and on friday morning...i WILL be sipping some tea while watching a beautiful wedding happening halfway around the world!

Friday, April 8, 2011

all i need

watching an innocent little baby struggle to breathe because they have congestion has got to be the worst thing!  I've had one LONG week.  both boys are fighting this crazy stuff off.  and the hope of a full nights sleep seems far off in the distant.  but this morning as i drink my coffee, browse through facebook, while garon naps (for what could end at any moment!)  Jesus reminded me that His grace is sufficient in my weakness.  boy am i today, i will NOT be down, frustrated, overwhelmed or give in.  I believe, trust and have hope that what Jesus did for me is all i need!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

full of hope

today i got excited this many times from this many random things:

*i weighed myself to find i've lost 10 lbs (since i started a challenge with some other ladies 4 weeks ago)
*saw that something i had a coupon for & needed, was on sale
*realized that it was first day of spring! 
*gabe told me he was craving a big salad from souper salad-so after church, we got the GPS to find us one.
*my little man G, giggled really hard when i played with him while snuggling
*saw that it was my cousins birthday
*gavin told me his list of things to get at the grocery store-which consisted of marshmellows!
*read a message from my parents saying they'll be home in a week

my day still has about 6 or so hours till i'll be winding down for i'm full of hope that their will be a few more things to add to my list today!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

learning curve

these days, it seems i dont get the proper amount of sleep to really function at a level of "smartness".  i sometimes dont get out of Pj's or brush my teeth (which for some reason has not become a priority!-wierd) until my husband is about to get home from work.  i will take any quiet moment to sit and watch a tv show, instead of having a quiet moment with Jesus or sleep. there are times i've gone through an entire day wondering what i've really accomplished.  sometimes, really nothing.  one thing i know....i am not perfect! 

i'm not really fond of being vulerable.  it kinda scares me. but i know without it, you wont really grow as a person and its definitely needed in a relationship.  i've learned a great deal the past 12 months or so about grace, trust and most of all love-how much Jesus loves me & how to love others. 
i've decided to start blogging for an outlet for vulerability, sharing my learning, and for being creative. 

thanks for listening!